Grüetzi mitenand! Greetings everyone!
We are starting a new bread business and are still in our research and development stage.
In order to get started and to get to know your preferences, we will sell bread for pick up.
So if you are ready to try our delicious bread, contact us and we will be happy to tell you more.
Fresh From the Oven to You


About Our Bakery
Dominik and Michelle Lauener were born and raised in Switzerland. In October 2017, both had a strong feeling that they should move to the US. During the preparations to move, which took several years, Dominik had begun to develop interest in opening a bakery in the US. Arriving in the US in November of 2021, the Laueners quickly realized that many everyday products from Switzerland were unavailable, most notably Swiss style bread. Since baking their own bread was already a habit in Switzerland, they set out to find the right ingredients to produce fresh, authentic Swiss braided bread and in the long run, let their friends and neighbors enjoy the fruits of their passion.

Start Your Weekend with a treat.